HASENHERZ or the Pleasures of Moving Images and Words, Vienna
Since 2012, Ruth Anderwald and Leonhard Grond have been leading the association HASENHERZ or the Pleasures of Moving Images and Words, which hosts a nomadic screening- and discussion series based on Arnold Schönberg's Verein für musikalische Privataufführung. The HASENHERZ series has been a visiting event for two years at the Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten Graz, one year at the Kunsthalle Wien, as well as at the Whitechapel Gallery London, the Videonale Bonn, the Europäisches Forum Alpbach, the Kunstraum LAKESIDE Klagenfurt, Station Service Belgrade, Center for Contemporary Art Tel Aviv, Festival Diagonale'17, Kunsthaus Graz, and the School for Independent Film. Aside from the development of the screening and discussion format in terms of audience development, artistic disciplines, and youth work, the association also publishes, curates, and realizes interdisciplinary works of art. The initiators, Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond, have been working as a collective in the fields of visual art and artistic research since 1999. Their works are shown internationally, including Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne; Centre Pompidou, Paris; Himalayas Art Museum, Shanghai; Tate Modern, London; Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, mumok Vienna. Anderwald + Grond have been involved in youth work for many years, for example, in the Young Science program, in which they encourage young people to engage in art and artistic research.
University of Applied Arts, Vienna
The University of Applied Arts Vienna takes on the challenge of positively influencing art, research and society. It continuously shapes and directs the present toward the future. Teachers and researchers, students, alumni, employees and partners unite as a collective that takes a stand for an open society, applying artistic and scientific competences as the key to furthering that goal by inventing new forms of work, education and art; by creating spaces for intellectual and creative endeavors, encouraging an open discourse that is both critical and empathic; by researching and evaluating the challenges facing society; by exploring radical solutions and developing new ideas to co-design and cope with transformations in technology, media and society.
The complex challenges ahead will require cooperative and multi-faceted approaches. We are not looking for simple answers, but for new questions and creative strategies arising within the context of our day-to-day activity.
Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb
The Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb is an internationally acclaimed museum with a focus on post-1950 contemporary art and artistic research. Since many years, the museum has been engaged in ambitious youth work and participated in the EU project Museum as Toolbox, which together with young people aimed to find out what a museum of contemporary art can look like in their eyes and what it has to do with contemporary life itself. In this project, the Museum in Zagreb will participate with a youth group, as well as contribute to the content, to administrative and exhibition activities within the resources of the Museum.
Braunschweig University of Art
The HBK Braunschweig is one of the leading art academies in Germany and, as the only state art academy in Lower Saxony, has a special responsibility for the development of art and culture as an indispensable component of a lively, self-reflective society capable of change. HBK Braunschweig also has a design department with independent research and teaching as well as scientific and educational research and teaching units and is an internationally orientated university with the right to award doctorates and habilitations. HBK Braunschweig aims to comprehensively develop, research and reflect on the potential of art and culture and to explore the tension between open-ended development and goal-orientated application in both practical and theoretical terms.
Further partners of the pilot project ART WORKS! European Culture of Resistance and Liberation.
Foundation wannseeFORUM Berlin
As an institution, the Foundation wannseeFORUM represents core democratic values. It is not affiliated with any party, religion, or interest group. We stand for cosmopolitanism, diversity and equal rights for all, regardless of gender, religion, social, or cultural origins. Our unique profile exists in order to consolidate political and cultural education. The wannseeFORUM Foundation works as a cooperative partner with other institutions, both at home and abroad. We view ourselves as a reliable partner, working in committee with other establishments and organizations. Together we help to implement projects and ideas, taking an active part in social discourse and present-day issues. Our educational resources are directed first and foremost towards youth, as well as adults working with youth. We see ourselves as experts from a diverse group of occupations, seeking to inspire and support young people, helping them to engage in critical discourse with the world around them. In doing so, we take their views and insights seriously. Mutual understanding is the prerequisite for a reciprocal learning process, which in turn leads to new insights. We are, however, not satisfied with tepid mutual accolades, but seek to foster a productive and sometimes confrontational working style. The arts and new media help make it easier for youth to present their own positions comprehensibly. As well as expanding cognitive skills, our seminars aim to promote growth and awareness in the realm of social and emotional education. We are rooted in modern adult education, and artists and theatre teachers are often participating as partners in the teaching/learning process. Advanced training is generally product-oriented, with a final presentation as the objective.
Foundation Between Bridges
Between Bridges is a foundation for the advancement of democracy, international understanding, the arts, and LGBT rights which was established by Wolfgang Tillmans in 2017.
Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) creates a forum for the contemporary arts and critical debates. In the midst of profound global and planetary transformation processes, HKW re-explores artistic positions, scientific concepts, and spheres of political activity, asking: How do we grasp the present and its accelerated technological upheavals? What will tomorrow’s diversified societies look like? And what responsibilities will the arts and sciences assume in this process? HKW develops and stages a program that is unique in Europe, blending discourse, exhibitions, concerts and performances, research, education programs and publications. Its projects initiate reflection processes and devise new frames of reference. In its work, HKW understands history as a resource for alternate narratives. In its extraordinary, modernist congress-hall architecture, HKW enables new forms of encounter and opens up experiential spaces between art and discourse. Together with artists, academics, everyday experts, and partners across the globe, it explores ideas in the making and shares them with Berlin’s international audience and the digital public.
Museion, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Bozlano
Museion is a museum of contemporary art in the Italian Alps, which presents solo shows of top international artists whilst, at the same time, dedicating space to younger, up-coming artists. Museion is committed to being as open and approachable as possible for all and offers a rich programme of events for all ages for both experts and non-experts. Over the years, the museum has activated projects also beyond its exhibition spaces. For example, works from the collection and site-specific projects are presented in the Little Museion: Cubo Garutti an open, public exhibition space in the city’s suburbs. Each site-specific project directly involves the local community and, more recently, in particular youths. An example is the project Liliana Moro, On Air, 2018, in which consisted of the artist working closely with a group of local youths to find ways for them to connect the peripheral area of Bolzano to the city centre and to the main Museion building. Since 2015 Museion has been building up a youth group, in which members can participate in artist workshops, studio visits, mini-jobs, behind the scenes, hands-on experiences and the chance to propose and realize projects at Museion.
The Center of Contemporary History Melk Memorial
The Center of Contemporary History Melk Memorial, supported by the association MERKwürdig(reMARKable), organizes a series of events against violence and oblivion, and is dedicated on the one hand to the scientific investigation of open questions on the history of the Melk concentration camp and the greater Melk area, and on the other hand to educational work at the memorial site, in the Erlauf Erinnertmuseum and in the greater Melk area. Another focus is the support of organisations of former prisoners and other visiting groups from Austria and abroad. The organisation and realization of the annual memorial service, as well as the administration and maintenance of the Melk concentration camp memorial site on behalf of the Federal Institute Mauthausen are further focal points of their activities.
Since 2012, Ruth Anderwald and Leonhard Grond have been leading the association HASENHERZ or the Pleasures of Moving Images and Words, which hosts a nomadic screening- and discussion series based on Arnold Schönberg's Verein für musikalische Privataufführung. The HASENHERZ series has been a visiting event for two years at the Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten Graz, one year at the Kunsthalle Wien, as well as at the Whitechapel Gallery London, the Videonale Bonn, the Europäisches Forum Alpbach, the Kunstraum LAKESIDE Klagenfurt, Station Service Belgrade, Center for Contemporary Art Tel Aviv, Festival Diagonale'17, Kunsthaus Graz, and the School for Independent Film. Aside from the development of the screening and discussion format in terms of audience development, artistic disciplines, and youth work, the association also publishes, curates, and realizes interdisciplinary works of art. The initiators, Ruth Anderwald + Leonhard Grond, have been working as a collective in the fields of visual art and artistic research since 1999. Their works are shown internationally, including Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne; Centre Pompidou, Paris; Himalayas Art Museum, Shanghai; Tate Modern, London; Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, mumok Vienna. Anderwald + Grond have been involved in youth work for many years, for example, in the Young Science program, in which they encourage young people to engage in art and artistic research.
University of Applied Arts, Vienna
The University of Applied Arts Vienna takes on the challenge of positively influencing art, research and society. It continuously shapes and directs the present toward the future. Teachers and researchers, students, alumni, employees and partners unite as a collective that takes a stand for an open society, applying artistic and scientific competences as the key to furthering that goal by inventing new forms of work, education and art; by creating spaces for intellectual and creative endeavors, encouraging an open discourse that is both critical and empathic; by researching and evaluating the challenges facing society; by exploring radical solutions and developing new ideas to co-design and cope with transformations in technology, media and society.
The complex challenges ahead will require cooperative and multi-faceted approaches. We are not looking for simple answers, but for new questions and creative strategies arising within the context of our day-to-day activity.
Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb
The Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb is an internationally acclaimed museum with a focus on post-1950 contemporary art and artistic research. Since many years, the museum has been engaged in ambitious youth work and participated in the EU project Museum as Toolbox, which together with young people aimed to find out what a museum of contemporary art can look like in their eyes and what it has to do with contemporary life itself. In this project, the Museum in Zagreb will participate with a youth group, as well as contribute to the content, to administrative and exhibition activities within the resources of the Museum.
Braunschweig University of Art
The HBK Braunschweig is one of the leading art academies in Germany and, as the only state art academy in Lower Saxony, has a special responsibility for the development of art and culture as an indispensable component of a lively, self-reflective society capable of change. HBK Braunschweig also has a design department with independent research and teaching as well as scientific and educational research and teaching units and is an internationally orientated university with the right to award doctorates and habilitations. HBK Braunschweig aims to comprehensively develop, research and reflect on the potential of art and culture and to explore the tension between open-ended development and goal-orientated application in both practical and theoretical terms.
Further partners of the pilot project ART WORKS! European Culture of Resistance and Liberation.
Foundation wannseeFORUM Berlin
As an institution, the Foundation wannseeFORUM represents core democratic values. It is not affiliated with any party, religion, or interest group. We stand for cosmopolitanism, diversity and equal rights for all, regardless of gender, religion, social, or cultural origins. Our unique profile exists in order to consolidate political and cultural education. The wannseeFORUM Foundation works as a cooperative partner with other institutions, both at home and abroad. We view ourselves as a reliable partner, working in committee with other establishments and organizations. Together we help to implement projects and ideas, taking an active part in social discourse and present-day issues. Our educational resources are directed first and foremost towards youth, as well as adults working with youth. We see ourselves as experts from a diverse group of occupations, seeking to inspire and support young people, helping them to engage in critical discourse with the world around them. In doing so, we take their views and insights seriously. Mutual understanding is the prerequisite for a reciprocal learning process, which in turn leads to new insights. We are, however, not satisfied with tepid mutual accolades, but seek to foster a productive and sometimes confrontational working style. The arts and new media help make it easier for youth to present their own positions comprehensibly. As well as expanding cognitive skills, our seminars aim to promote growth and awareness in the realm of social and emotional education. We are rooted in modern adult education, and artists and theatre teachers are often participating as partners in the teaching/learning process. Advanced training is generally product-oriented, with a final presentation as the objective.
Foundation Between Bridges
Between Bridges is a foundation for the advancement of democracy, international understanding, the arts, and LGBT rights which was established by Wolfgang Tillmans in 2017.
Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin
Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) creates a forum for the contemporary arts and critical debates. In the midst of profound global and planetary transformation processes, HKW re-explores artistic positions, scientific concepts, and spheres of political activity, asking: How do we grasp the present and its accelerated technological upheavals? What will tomorrow’s diversified societies look like? And what responsibilities will the arts and sciences assume in this process? HKW develops and stages a program that is unique in Europe, blending discourse, exhibitions, concerts and performances, research, education programs and publications. Its projects initiate reflection processes and devise new frames of reference. In its work, HKW understands history as a resource for alternate narratives. In its extraordinary, modernist congress-hall architecture, HKW enables new forms of encounter and opens up experiential spaces between art and discourse. Together with artists, academics, everyday experts, and partners across the globe, it explores ideas in the making and shares them with Berlin’s international audience and the digital public.
Museion, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Bozlano
Museion is a museum of contemporary art in the Italian Alps, which presents solo shows of top international artists whilst, at the same time, dedicating space to younger, up-coming artists. Museion is committed to being as open and approachable as possible for all and offers a rich programme of events for all ages for both experts and non-experts. Over the years, the museum has activated projects also beyond its exhibition spaces. For example, works from the collection and site-specific projects are presented in the Little Museion: Cubo Garutti an open, public exhibition space in the city’s suburbs. Each site-specific project directly involves the local community and, more recently, in particular youths. An example is the project Liliana Moro, On Air, 2018, in which consisted of the artist working closely with a group of local youths to find ways for them to connect the peripheral area of Bolzano to the city centre and to the main Museion building. Since 2015 Museion has been building up a youth group, in which members can participate in artist workshops, studio visits, mini-jobs, behind the scenes, hands-on experiences and the chance to propose and realize projects at Museion.
The Center of Contemporary History Melk Memorial
The Center of Contemporary History Melk Memorial, supported by the association MERKwürdig(reMARKable), organizes a series of events against violence and oblivion, and is dedicated on the one hand to the scientific investigation of open questions on the history of the Melk concentration camp and the greater Melk area, and on the other hand to educational work at the memorial site, in the Erlauf Erinnertmuseum and in the greater Melk area. Another focus is the support of organisations of former prisoners and other visiting groups from Austria and abroad. The organisation and realization of the annual memorial service, as well as the administration and maintenance of the Melk concentration camp memorial site on behalf of the Federal Institute Mauthausen are further focal points of their activities.

HASENHERZ or the Pleasures of Moving Images and Words

Braunschweig University of Art

Center of Contemporary History Melk Memorial